The (More Than) Complete Cast of CVRPG
Heroes, Villains, Low-lives, and Agents of Leisure

Frankenstein's Creature
Before his rebirth as a horrific monstrosity in Dr. Frankenstein's lab, the creature previously known as Jeff had few aspirations. He'd thought, maybe, about becoming a bard (his father hated that idea as his father, like everyone, hated bards). There was also the potential for him to follow in his great uncle's footsteps and become a village idiot (he certainly had the required skills for that).
Sadly, any dreams the man once known has Jeff may have had were cut short in a tragic game of carriage chicken. Jeff wasn't even one of the drivers -- he just happened to be crossing the street at the wrong time.
His head, his left hand, and three of his right toes were all that survived in good enough condition for Dr. Frankenstein to use, but since the brain was fresh, that was all that really mattered. With a little lightning, a dash of chemicals, and a lot of sewing, the mad doctor was able to bring Jeff back to life... along with the cobbled-together pieces of several other men, two women, and a rather androgynous person that could have been either sex (although we aren't judging).
Sadly, either from the chemicals or the lightning (or just the momentary adrenaline rush of being run over) Jeff no longer remembered his former life. Although the doctor never named him, former-Jeff adopted the name "Frankie", and the rest was history (and also chemistry, biology, and a little zoology for good measure).
Personality Details:
Frankie is a simple chap. He prefers to spend most of his days wandering a random hall of Dracula's castle -- less to patrol it and more just to see what's all the way down at the other end. The castle is huge, and Frankie doesn't really have a lot to take up his time -- minioning isn't exactly busy work most of the time.
When engaged in combat, Frankie is most assuredly a brawler. He likes to fight with his fists (and not in the sporting, Queensbury-rules kind of way). He'll also throw anything he might have at his disposal (rocks, bottles of chemicals, fleamen). No one ever taught him to fight fair, and he's a little past worrying about it now.

First Appearance: DSWC Villains Introduction #2: The Villains Plot and Plan
Last Appearance: #12: CVRPG Six, Part 2

Frankie (Mirror)
Frankenstein's Creature of Earth 2
Before his rebirth as a horrific monstrosity in Dr. Frankenstein's lab, the creature previously known as Jeff had many aspirations. He'd planned to become a great musician, to write many ballads, to become world famous and adored by all. He knew he was going to change the world, he just had to find a way to do it.
While some might have thought his sudden death (in a tragic chicken wagon accident) ruined his plans for greatness. But for Jeff, death was only the beginning.
His head, his left hand, and three of his right toes were all that survived in good enough condition for Dr. Frankenstein to use, but since the brain was fresh, that was all that really mattered. With a little lightning, a dash of chemicals, and a lot of sewing, the mad doctor was able to bring Jeff back to life (after mixing a few other body parts into the whole -- a head, hand, and toes would have made for a living, if very short, being all on their own).
While the mixture of magic, science, and chemicals may have wiped many of Jeff's memories (including his name), it didn't wipe away his desire to be better than he was, his need for greatness. Finding new work with Dracula's crew (before it became Darkmoon's crew), the newly reborn Frankie (taking the name of his creator) moved his way up the corporate ladder to become one of the most trusted men in the evil firm. He's just waiting for the day he gets to take over.
Personality Details:
Although some might consider him nothing more than a minion, Frankie has aspirations. He's a quiet kind of thinker, but that doesn't mean he's dumb. No, Frankie knows when to hide in the background, wandering from hall to hall, keeping his head down. But he also knows when to pipe up, to share his opinion (especially when it sticks a knife in the back of someone else in the agency).
While his physical might would imply Frankie is a brawler, by nature he's cunning a wise, more apt to destroy with words than fists. He's a might in battle, to be sure, but he's more likely to take you out mentally without even having to destroy you physically.

First Appearance: #660: A Hero's Welcome?
Last Appearance: #3: CVPRG II