#3018: Glorious and Great

This Comic's Storylines:

This Comic's Cast:

This comic comes with the usual caveat that when I discuss "God" in this comic, I use the term to talk about me, the creator of the comic. I won't lie and say there isn't a little bit of poking at the concept of religion in general any time I talk about God and me, but this isn't meant to be a preachy comic, in either direction, so if you read that from the text... well, okay then. Context vs. subtext and all that.

If you know there's a God and you're standing next to someone who is blaspheming, it's best not to stand there for much longer.

As far as the actual discussion on the multiverse is concerned, there really are two major thoughts on how multiple, parallel universes could form. One would be that they all formed up at or around the same time and while they may all seem the same, there just parallel because of natural momentum of actions of the universe. The other states that every action, no matter how small, creates its own parallel universe.

This second school of thought it hard to buy as it would mean, in the case of the sandwich scenario from this comic, not only would a universe come up because you wanted a ham sandwich and got it or got a reuben and got it, but also if you wanted a ham sandwich but got a reuben and vice versa, too. And that ignores all the times where maybe you got soup instead, and so on, and so on. Did you get mustard? Did you grab two napkins or three or four or none? That's a lot of different planes springing up, a lot energy and matter used up, over and over, all for stupid, simple culinary decisions.

That's why CVRPG uses an idea of multiple universes constantly coming up, but not all of them being important. You choice of edibles isn't really vital to the universe as a whole unless, for instance, you choice of a ham sandwich leads to a butterfly effect that causes an emperor to get assassinated or an asteroid to avoid the Earth. Some versions of the universe matter more, and they are thus "tentpoles" that support the rest of the multiverse and keep everything stable.

Which, yes, also implies that some universe can explode and die and everything goes on as normal. Which would explain where the energy and matter to create other universes would come from. Conservation of Energy and all that.

Oh, hey, there's Claudette in the background. We'll probably see more of her soon. But yes, she did get her own style now so she's not just a direct copy of Katrina.

Maximum Carnage
2021-03-22 03:27:18 
On could perhaps argue that the latter school of thought only occurs in circumstances bearing the momentum of significant ‘historic’ weight. Small choices are just bitty details that don’t have enough weight, and thus energy of a sort, behind them. In a rather basic sense, people mostly remain true to themselves. If they like to get the same sandwich all the time, they get the same thing all the time. If they’re rather flighty in their choice of meal, they’ll be sporadic. But is, in it’s own sense, true to themselves, and thusly follows a sort of predictability. They might have chosen that Reuben because, even if they don’t particularly remember the inspiration, an ad or someone’s comment might have leaned them that way. Semantics perhaps, but in essence, unless that choice of meal causes an outbreak of plague or a civil war, why should they bear enough significance for the universe to maintain them? Another possibility might be that the weight of that choice does create a sort of localized parallel reality in the same way a certain cat in a box does - Schrodinger’s sandvich, so to speak - wherein the waveform of reality collapses locally to that choice. If it does, in a sense, create any sort of alternative reality of a sort, if that choice doesn’t bring with it any difference of significant weight, then that reality essentially ‘self-prunes’ in the same way unnecessary neural pathways do - fading away to nothing for the lack of energy and momentum to sustain them. That said, the wise Bob the Skull once said “it’s a big universe, Harry, room enough for you and Spider-Man both.” We are aware there is, or seems to be by current reckoning, vastly more dark matter than physical, so for all we know that matter is simply the matter of parallel realities on a separate wavelength, incapable of interacting with our universe any more than their own. Hypotheticals? Absolutely. But I enjoy the occasional thought experiment.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.