#2514: Just Keeps On Living

This Comic's Storylines:

Officially we've never established what Katrina is. Technically, before the 800 year jump, she was just a human with a feline curse. Kind of a human-plus. Now, though, she's kept herself alive for 800 bonus years. A lich does seem like the best description for her, even if it's not entirely accurate.

No one else in the party, though, is human. They're all much more mythological than that.
2015-10-08 14:55:33 
If Kat's a lich, she's the healthiest looking one I've ever seen. Wait, does she have a soul-hidey box thing that I can't spell the name of?
2015-10-09 13:11:53 
It's a Whore Crust, or something like that.
2015-10-10 16:34:40 
I thought it was called a phylactery
2017-01-30 21:04:00 

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.