Question #7, Continued: What If, Part 3

Alec and Darkmoon failing to meet probably wouldn't have major consequences for the overarching story. Like, the friendship between the two is big, but Darkmoon would still hunt vampires, would eventually get around to taking on Dracula (and failing, as he does). The further out it spiraled it might have had some big consequences, but it wouldn't be until CVRPG IV, which was all about Alec, that issues happened. Even then, I could probably write the same story, more or less, with Princess in the Alec role. Or Katrina. One of them. It would work.

Alec, it should be noted, would probably go off to become a paladin for some other kingdom, earning fame and (holy) glory is some Crusade or another. He'd still be Alec.

I actually feel like Katrina and Princess hooking up would be a bigger issue. If Katrina got together with Princess then she wouldn't be with Darkmoon, Darkmoon wouldn't wander off and do stupid shit for decades after getting Katrina pregnant. That would cause huge changes to the cast of CVRPG 2499 because likely Katrina would have stayed with Princess and not become some kind of Good Lich. I could see that one having a very different future arc, all things considered.

One final note, this is the first, and hopefully last instance of a speech bubble that has to bend twice to reach it's speaker. It bothered me, but I couldn't layout the dialogue properly otherwise in the last panel.

2022-03-21 15:51:47 
I think I said this years ago, but Katrina and Princess getting together would have been the easy route and thus the one that would have shortchanged the characters. There's nothing wrong with two strong women in a relationship, but there is much more clear narrative symmetry with the vampire "cursed" with a soul and the human "cursed" with a cat curse that those two would be tied together, even if they didn't last as a couple. Plus, Katrina would have had to take a backseat, and I don't see her quite "Yes, dear"-ing the way Alec does.
2022-03-21 19:57:49 
Oh yeah. I absolutely think the path we took was better for the story, but it's interesting to think about these narrative diversions. Now: the big question. If we have one of these parallel realities... do the mirror versions cross over at the end of Game One? Would that even happen with any version, or would we spin deep into another universe entirely where CVRPG II never even took place?

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.