#2838: Big Bad Da Boom

This Comic's Storylines:

Technically she is correct. A nuclear bomb does unleash a rather large blast, but it does also create a massive EMP that spreads out ahead of the blast knocking out all electronics within the blast radius. Of course, since everything is then made extra-splodey from the bomb, most people hit by the blast aren't going to have to to regret that their Game Boy Advance is no longer working.

Still, something tells me that killing everyone with a giant bomb is the opposite of what Claudette wants to do.

Mr. Ookami
2017-01-04 22:33:35 
Blow the nuke up in space. even if it's only a few feet from the asteroid it won't do anything but the emp effect. The shock wave, that does the destruction part, has to have a material (gas, liquid, solid) to mace through. I remember that the most devastating way to use a nuke on earth is to detonate it a few mile above our atmosphere, so it can take out almost all of the satellites and half of the electronics on earth all at once.
Mr. Ookami
2017-01-04 22:35:13 
Move not mace. Stupid autocorrect. Also add a "s" to mile. Stupid me.
2017-01-05 21:37:13 
Not to mention that if you detonated that nuke at just the right altitude, you could funnel the entirety of Earth's atmosphere right into space in a matter of moments, with the explosion acting as a straw directly connecting us to space. Everything on Earth would all get pulled into the vacuum with it and die of exposure if the shock of being suddenly yanked at higher than Mach 3 didn't instantly kill us due to blunt force trauma. ...Geez, that's grim.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

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