#919: Golem's Story, Part 1

This Comic's Storylines:

This Comic's Cast:

And here we are in the first part of Golem's little arc. It's told in a weird style, as does befit any of the supplemental backstories, even though it's told in the main archive (I really should have just split this out, but ah well -- too late now).
Artwork for this series is provided by Seth Triggs. If you're curious, he also provided art for a single arc in the Bunny Tales series, as well as some random fan art.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.